Video: Advice to other parents of NCEA students
Four parents of students currently studying towards NCEA have some helpful advice to other parents of NCEA students.
Transcript: Advice to other parents of NCEA students
[Parent 1]
I suppose the advice I’d give to other parents is to really set some time to sit with your child.
[Parent 2]
Seeing where your children want to go. What do they want out of NCEA? And just letting them know that you’re there to support whatever avenue they want to take in their job, or life skills. Yeah.
[Parent 3]
Ask them what they’re doing, and try and get out of them when their internal assessments are due. And try is the key word.
[Parent 4]
Just sit down with them, talk to them, ask them what’s going on in those subjects. The conversation is more about well, what can we do in our capacity to help you?
[Parent 1]
And if it’s just to make a cup of tea in the middle of the night to help them stay motivated then that’s all that they need.
He tohutohu ki ētahi atu mātua o ngā ākonga NCEA Ko ngā tohutohu pea ka tukuna e au ki ētahi atu mātua ko te whakarite pea i te wā ki te noho tahi me tō tamaiti.
Te rapu he aha te huarahi e hiahia ana ia ki te whai, He aha ōna wawata mō te NCEA?
Me te whakamōhio atu i a rātou kei konā koe ki te tautoko ahakoa te huarahi ka whāia e ia i tana
aramahi, pūkenga oranga rānei. Āe.
Pātai atu he aha āna mahi, me te ngana ki te rapu āhea tuku ai i ngā aromatawai ā-roto.
Ā, ko te ngana te kupu matua.
Me noho i tō rātou taha, ka whakawhiti kōrero, ka pātai kei te pēhea te haere o aua kaupapa ako.
Ko te tikanga kē o te whakawhiti kōrero, he aha te wāhi ki a au hei āwhina i a koe?
Ahakoa rā ko te mahi kaputī i waenganui pō hei āwhina kia noho mataara tonu, kāti koinā noa iho pea te hiahia.
Cook Islands Māori [PDF, 35 KB]
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