Supporting learning at home

Ideas to help with reading, writing and maths

You can help your child's learning every day, by supporting and encouraging them and being excited by their learning. Here are some ideas to keep them developing their reading, writing and maths skills at home. Have a look at the year group for your child and have fun.

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Support for gifted students

We have increased the range of opportunities for gifted learners to experience success and wellbeing.

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Helping your child develop key competencies

Your child is learning a range of skills and abilities (key competencies) to help them to do well in life. There are lots of things you can do to help your child develop and use these.

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Many children come home with some type of homework, like reading, learning how to spell new words, practising basic mathematics facts, or even projects to be completed over a longer period of time. It is useful to know how to support your child to do their homework, but not do it for them.

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Parent-teacher meetings

Usually a couple of times a year, you (and often your child as well) will have the opportunity to meet with your child's teacher and talk about the progress your child is making. Here's what to expect from these meetings and some tips to get the most out of them.

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School holidays

Forget 'just surviving' the holidays. Here are some ideas to help you and your family and whānau have fun and 'thrive'!

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