Complaints about your early learning service
If you have an issue with something at your child's early learning service or kōhanga reo you have every right to talk to them about it and make a formal complaint if you're still not happy.
- What can I do if I have a concern?
- How do I make a formal complaint?
- What if I'm not happy with how my complaint is handled or want to make an anonymous complaint?
- What should I do if I think my child's safety is at risk?
- More information
What can I do if I have a concern?
If you are unhappy with anything at your child's early learning service or kōhanga reo a good first step is to have a chat to one of the educators, kaiako, the manager or the owner.
If the problem does not get resolved this way you can make a formal complaint to the early learning service or kōhanga reo.
How do I make a formal complaint?
- You will need to follow the early learning service or kōhanga reo's complaint process.
- Every early learning service and kōhanga reo must have one and it should be displayed where parents and whānau are able to see it.
- It is often found on a notice board beside the licence.
- If you can't find it, ask a staff member for a copy or to explain the process.
What if I'm not happy with how my complaint is handled or want to make an anonymous complaint?
The Ministry takes complaints seriously. Along with education and care, the health and safety of every child attending an early learning service or kōhanga reo is of the highest importance.
- You can contact the Ministry of Education directly and discuss your concerns.
- You can remain anonymous when talking to the Ministry if you wish.
Local Ministry of Education offices(external link)
Learning support services(external link) (for children with learning support needs)
Free legal advice
You can get free legal advice from Youth Law:
Freephone (NZ only) 0800 884 529
Contact us – Youth Law(external link)
What should I do if I think my child's safety is at risk?
If you believe that a child has been or is likely to be harmed while in the care of an early learning service, immediately contact:
Ministry for Children – Oranga Tamariki(external link)
How to report a crime or incident – NZ Police(external link)
This includes physical, emotional or sexual harm.
Let the Ministry of Education know too:
Local Ministry offices – Ministry of Education(external link)
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