Here you can find scholarships that support people to study at tertiary level in New Zealand.
- General information
- Universities
- Other government agencies
- Māori
- Pacific People
- Teaching and education
- Overseas study and international students
General information
- StudySpy(external link) is a free course comparison tool and scholarship index.
- Careers New Zealand(external link) provides information and advice to help you make good decisions about work, study and training. It also provides information about scholarships(external link).
- Your tertiary education organisation may also have scholarships. This information may be on your organisation's website, or through a scholarships office on campus.
- Universities New Zealand(external link) has information on scholarships for study in New Zealand's universities or overseas.
- The Reserve Bank of New Zealand(external link) offers scholarships to students who are majoring in Economics, Finance or Banking at Honours, Masters or PhD level. There are also separate scholarships for second year Māori and Pasifika students to encourage study in these fields.
Other government agencies
- The Ministry for Primary Industries(external link) is offering Ngā Karahipi Uru Rākau – Forestry Scholarships for Māori and/or female students enrolling in a Bachelor of Forestry Science or Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Forest Engineering.
- Toitū Kaupapa Māori Mātauranga - Māori Education Trust(external link) provides financial assistance for Māori students undertaking tertiary study.
- The Sir Apirana Ngata Memorial Scholarship(external link) is for Māori students studying in any field in any tertiary education institution. Preference is given to descendants of Māori World War One veterans.
- Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarships(external link) are available for enterprising, innovative and influential Māori, who meet the criteria and possess characteristics that are identified as being consistent with those of the 28th Māori Battalion.
Pacific People
- The Ministry for Pacific Peoples offers Toloa Tertiary Scholarships(external link) for Pacific students to pursue studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) subjects.
- Pacific Education Foundation(external link) scholarships provide financial assistance to Pacific students who are enrolled at tertiary education institutions in New Zealand.
Teaching and education
- Each year, Education Workforce, part of the Ministry of Education, offers scholarships to encourage people to train as teachers in the areas where there is greatest need. Scholarships – Education Workforce website(external link)
- Learning Support Study Awards and Scholarships(external link) are offered by the Ministry of Education. We offer Learning Support study awards for teachers in early learning services and schools as well as scholarships to support people undertaking specific specialist courses.
Overseas study and international students
- New Zealand Education(external link) provides scholarship information for both international and New Zealand students.
- Chevening Scholarships(external link), funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and administered by the British Council, are prestigious awards which enable overseas students to study in the United Kingdom. It offers young New Zealanders annual scholarships in three categories: journalism, politics and post-graduate study.
- Fulbright Graduate Student Awards(external link) are provided to New Zealanders and Americans who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential to undertake postgraduate study in the other country.
- The New Zealand Aid Programme(external link) provides support for citizens of some developing countries to undertake vocational training or tertiary level study in their home country, in New Zealand or in the Pacific region.
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