Progress and achievement at school and kura

We are working with the education sector, parents, students, whānau, iwi and communities to support a focus on progress and achievement across the national curriculum – New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa – following the removal of National Standards and Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori last year.

Why focus on progress across the curriculum?

We all progress at different rates and start from different places. Assessing and reporting on your child’s progress – not just their achievement – takes into account their starting point. It helps teachers and kaiako provide your child with the right learning opportunities and support.

It also helps you know what progress your child is making and how you can support their learning.

And while it’s important to know how well your child is doing in literacy and numeracy, te reo matatini and pāngarau, it’s also important to understand the progress they’re making across the curriculum, including in key capabilities for success in life, learning and work.

What information will I receive about my child’s progress in school in the meantime?

The National Administration Guidelines require schools and kura to report to you at least twice yearly in writing on your child’s progress across the curriculum, including the foundational skills of reading, writing and mathematics, te matatini and pāngarau.

The reports you receive should help you understand how your child is progressing, what steps the school is taking if your child isn’t progressing as well as they could, and what you can do to support your child's education at home.

You can talk with your school or kura if you want to know more about their approach to reporting. You can also talk to the school or kura about what you would like to be included in school reports, as they are for parents and should provide you with the information you need to understand how your child is doing and how you can help.

Having good information about your child’s progress is essential, so you can support your child’s learning. The Education Review Office’s report talks about the benefits of information sharing and genuine partnerships between schools, parents and whānau and the significantly positive impact it has on students’ progress.

Building genuine learning partnerships with parents – ERO(external link) 

We are supporting schools and kura to make this shift.

If you have any questions or concerns about the progress or achievement of your child, you should talk to your school or kura directly.


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