Early learning in New Zealand – information for migrants
Your child’s learning starts the day they are born. They will learn at home, with whānau (family), in your community, and at their early learning service.
Both at home and at your early learning service, your child can learn skills that will help them get on with others, live happy lives, be creative, and succeed in their learning, both now and at school.
Parents are children’s first teachers. There are lots of ways you can help your child to learn. One of the most important things you can do is to talk with your child.
This gives them the best possible start for a lifetime of learning. It’s always good to talk to your child in your home language, using the words you feel most comfortable with.
Most of all, young tamariki (children) learn through play and through everyday activities. When you play with your child and include them in your daily activities, you are helping them to learn.
The 'Learning Together' brochure suggests lots of ways for you to follow your child’s interests and enjoy learning together.
It also covers early learning services in Aotearoa | New Zealand and choosing a service for your child.
Download the Learning Together brochure
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