Life after school
As part of their education every student is encouraged to think about the wider world and how they fit into it.
It's important to start planning early for your child's transition from school to make it as easy as possible.
Most young people need an Individual Transition Plan, which is also referred to as a Career Plan, which sits alongside your child's Individual education Plan (IEP) by the time they're 14. Some might have one even earlier. These plans focus on what your child wants to do after they leave school and the steps and support they need to get there.
The Ministry's special education team has written a booklet, Preparing to leave school [PDF, 1.3 MB] that provides some useful tips for helping your child move on from school, and gives you information on the support that's available for moving into tertiary education, work, housing options and support, budgeting and support for you as parents.
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